Thursday 8 November 2012

The Relevance of the Sabbath Issue in End-Time Bible Prophecy

As a Sabbath-keeper I notice that whenever the issue of the Sabbath is raised it tends to breed controversy and cause some to think that whenever this subject is brought up it is usually an attempt
to indoctrinate. I have seen this trend over and over again in my experience.

In those early days of my Christian experience I used to relish the Sabbath controversy. Because of this I always make it a point of duty to make sure I have those strong Sabbath texts at my finger tips with which I can pummel those "pig-headed" Sunday-keepers who don’t believe in the Sabbath truth. But over time I realized that I was just engaged in an unprofitable, back-and-forth debate where it becomes a case of “my texts against yours”, “that’s not my opinion”, “my church taught me this way”. And I don't think that this was an exercise that God sanctioned.

First to begin with, (without being aware of it) I was treating my brothers and sisters from the Sunday-keeping churches as belonging to the "other side" in that they are not of the "true fold".  Even the non-Christian motivational speakers would advise me that that is no way to convince anybody. Thank God I am no longer of that mindset; I believe that I have reached the place where I can truly acknowledge each Sunday-keeping member as my bretheren in the body of Christ. They might not be as enlightened on certain truths but they truly belong to Christ.  

I am saying all of this to say that, like all the other blog post before this, this is not designed to be a means of indoctrination but the sharing of thought on a particular subject. I am not trying to play the role of the Holy Spirit who alone can convict of truth. I am just going to tell you of my experience concerning a particular Bible text that helped to confirm me in this Sabbath position.

As a part of my love affair with Bible prophecy, the prophetic utterances by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 was my third most read prophecy in the entire Bible beside Daniel 7 and Revelation 13. I read that chapter all the time and did not stop to notice a particular verse until later in my prophecy studies.
Here's the verse I am talking about:

"But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day:" Matt.24:20

At first glance this verse seems to teach that it was only to the Jewish Christians that this admonition applies. After all, the prophecy is supposed to be about the destruction of Jerusalem, which was fulfilled in the second half of the first century (AD 70).

Assuming that it applies to the Jews, this verse is still significant since conventional opinion has it that the Sabbath was abolished at the cross and was not supposed to be kept by first century Christians. But here is it that Jesus is telling them that in the future Sabbath-keeping will still be binding... and so binding and sacred will it be then that the Christians should pray that they don't have to take their flight on that day! Get the point?

But does this prophecy apply only to first-century (Jewish) Christians? We need to understand that this prophecy in Matthew 24 has a dual application (proleptic prophecy). It is applicable both to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Coming of Christ. In that case wouldn't the Sabbath be applicable in both fulfillment of the prophecy? The verse that follows provides the answer for me as it relates to the point in time when this flight is supposed to take place. Here is what it says:

"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matt. 24:21

When I connect both verses together I cannot help but conclude that the time when the Christians are to take their flight will be a time of great distress that was never seen before and the likes of which will never be repeated at any time in the future. The only time that I can think of that fits that description is the great time of trouble, spoken of by the prophet Daniel in the following declaration:

“And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.“ Dan. 12:1

If the Sabbath will still be binding at that point in earth's history then we need to visualize its implication on the issue of worship during the reign of the Antichrist in the last days. If the Bible teaches that this end-time enemy of Christ will exalt himself above all that is called God and all that is worshipped (2Thess. 2:1-4) then we can hardly ignore its effects on the present Sabbath/Sunday worship arrangement in the Christian tradition.

In my prophecy course I deal with the Sabbath issue in light of its connection to the end-time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. I speak about the subject in different sections of the course as a matter that is more than just a day of worship. I sincerely believe that it will be an issue in the last days.

PS. This is an advisory to all my Sunday-keeping readers who still believe that it doesn’t really matter which day you observe: If you are not convicted that the Sabbath should still be kept, continue to worship God according to the dictates of you own conscience. The most important obligation in your Christian walk is to remain in a relationship with Christ; He will lead you into all truth.

 Other resource you can check out:

100 Bible Facts Concerning the Sabbath

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