Tuesday 13 November 2012

Countdown to the End of the World: Analysing the Eternal Hell Theory

Way back in the mid eighties I watched a movie called 'Burning Hell'. It portrays end-time events from the time of the rise of the Antichrist to the vast conflagration when the wicked will finally be destroyed (oops, I mean forever burning) in hell fire.

This provocative movie seeks to bring out the mainstream position on end-time events, which includes the 7-year Antichrist reign and an ever-burning hell. We have already looked at the 7-year theory in a previous post so I won't rehash it here.

We will examine the ever-burning hell theory from the perspective of reasoning and logic and a few passages of scriptures to exercise your mind a bit.

According to this theory, every wicked person who will be punished will have an immortal body whereby they cannot die. Therefore, when they are cast into the lake of fire, they will be forever tormented in hell because they cannot die.

I guess the main reason why the proponents of this view hold to this idea is because the Bible’s usage of phrases such as "everlasting fire", "everlasting destruction", "fire is not quenched", and "tormented day and night forever and ever". But if that is what is in the Bible, why should we blame anyone for believing it?

While these expressions would seem to teach an ever-burning hell, we need to also recognize that there are other expressions such as the "second death" and "eternal death". Why would the Bible use these expressions if the wicked will actually not die!? Remember, according to this theory, the transgressors are supposed to experience eternal life in misery!

When I thought about this "eternal hell" teaching, I cannot help but reminisce about a very gruesome incident where a little girl was burnt to death. A member of her family was involved in gang warfare and so his rivals, unable to catch him, decided to turn on his family. So they went to the house where this little girl was, put a lock on the grill and burnt the house down with the little girl and her grandmother trapped inside.

When the news came out it sparked a national outrage condemning the perpetrators as outright evil men who are possessed by demons. With this condemnation we must bear in mind that this fire only lasted for a little while, perhaps ended long after its victims were "put out of their misery"!

Are we now to believe that God is much, much, much more wicked than that!!? Are we to accept the idea that God is so cruel that He will not only punish the sinners, but He will work a miracle so that during their punishment their bodies will not be consumed but immortalized to make sure the punishment is prolonged - not for an hour, not for a day, not for a year, not for a century, but for forever!!?

I don't believe that anybody who believes that God's mercy endures forever and that He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked will even think of associating Him with such attributes - an attribute that not even Satan, though wicked he be, has the capacity to manifest!

The idea of an everlastingly merciful God and an ever-burning hell just cannot coexist, unless we want to portray Jehovah as One possessing a disposition that is worst than Satan!

Any doctrine (however mainstream) that makes God out to be what He is not must be rejected with every fibre of our being!

And come to think of it, doesn't the Bible teach that both Satan and his followers will be burnt to ashes (Mal. 4:3; Ezek.28:12-18)? If that's the case then how does it help the argument of an ever-burning hell? And, by the way, where are the victims of Sodom and Gomorrah today who were supposed to be “suffering the vengeance of eternal fire”? Did they not turn to ashes?. See 2Pet. 2:6, Jude vs. 7.

We need to allow controversies like these to drive us to our Bibles in search of the truth. The perniciousness of this doctrine is not only evident in the fact that it contradicts the clear teachings of the word of God, but it also makes Him out to be someone of whom we should be afraid. When we are confronted with any teaching that makes God into a being He is obviously not a red flag should immediately be waving in our minds signalling to us that the enemy of souls is at work!   

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