Sunday 11 November 2012

Putting the Whore of Revelation 17 Under the Prophetic Radar

 Very early in my experience as a student of Bible prophecy, the first thing that I have established is the fact that modern Babylon will be responsible for the atrocities that will be perpetrated upon the people of God in the last days. In my new understanding of the prophetic word, obviously, there were some rotten timbers (false opinions) that would have to be thrown out while the precious gems (the truth) are retained.

One of the gems of truth that I could not under any circumstance reject is the position that this  particular entity, symbolized by the great whore called Mystery Babylon, cannot escape culpability for both past and future persecutions under the prophetic microscope. Whether you want to confirm it by the coordination of parallel prophecies, by matching biblical solutions to symbols, or by examination of historical records, you just cannot fail to see the unmistakable evidence pointing you in that direction.

From the interpretation of this symbol in Revelation 17, it is declared that this woman “is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth.” Rev. 17:18. While the Bible interprets this great whore to mean a city we need to also recognize that ‘woman’ in symbol represents a church system. This is similar to how the scriptures categorize the city of Jerusalem; she is symbolically referred to “as a comely and delicate woman” (Jer. 6:3).  

But Jerusalem is not just a city; she is also regarded as “the church of the first born, which are written in heaven” (Heb. 12:22, 23). Therefore, as Jerusalem is both a city and a church so is Mystery Babylon. The end time conflict prophesied in the book of Revelation is essentially the tale of two cities: Babylon and Jerusalem. Like their ancient counterparts, Jerusalem represents the worship of Jehovah and Babylon the worship of graven images.

At first I thought this particular position was only held by the Adventist denomination, but just by listening to other Sabbath keepers as well as some well-thinking Sunday keepers I came to realize that this idea was more widespread than I thought. And so widespread it is that for some "strange reason" it finds its way in the Dictionary!

It seems to me that Satan has found the instrumentality of this harlot woman so superbly effective in the previous dispensation that he decides to use her again for the purpose of accomplishing his end-time dirty work. Yes, he will use the same agent for the same task, just that he will be a bit more subtle and deceptive, and much more determined in his attempt to succeed in his endeavours.

If the Devil is so subtle, don't expect him to employ a clumsy agent to do his work. Have you ever wondered why Satan used a serpent instead of a lion, a giraffe, or an elephant to deceive Eve? The serpent was the craftiest creature in the animal kingdom (Gen. 3:1)!

Therefore, this organization in question should not be expected to be an amateur agent with limited experience. It will have to be an organization with many centuries of experience under its belt in order to qualify as a polished instrument in the hand of Satan.  And believe me, it is a polished instrument indeed!

In the ninth verse of Revelation 17 we are told that this woman sits on seven mountains. It has always been acknowledged by historians and theologians alike that Rome is the only city in the world that sits upon seven mountains. Therefore, this harlot woman is in question is none other than the religion of Rome. Because Rome will regain her supremacy in the world, her religion will likewise become the supreme and exclusive religion. And this religion is not Christianity!   

In the prophecy course I have not only spoken of the imperial rise of this organization in the sixth century, but how through its instrumentality Satan will transform the world into a new religious culture of idolatry and devil worship. He is just waiting for one particular event to take place before he makes his move.

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