Friday 16 November 2012

False Perception of Bible Prophecy – The Reason Why Christ Was Crucified


There are a number of reasons that we can point to as to why Christ was crucified. Some would say it is about the perception that he blasphemes, breaks the Sabbath, deceives the people, while others would point to the fact that due to his popularity he was taking the spotlight away from the spiritual leaders in Israel.

All those claims can be confirmed by the biblical accounts as contributing factors to Christ's demise. Yet, as criminal charges, they are both false and malicious, and betrayed a more deep-seated motive at work in the treatment of the Son of God the way they did.

Did you know that many in Israel were disappointed in the way Jesus' mission turned out? And, of
course, you and I know that he was not doing His own work! He came to fulfill the will of His Father who sent Him (Jn 5:30). So, on such account one cannot say that Christ deliberately set out to frustrate expectations. He was merely taking orders from a Higher Power and He was proceeding exactly as God intended.

But why should the chosen people of God be disappointed in His Son? Why should they be so frustrated with Jesus' conduct to the point where they were prepared to trump up charges against Him in a
desperate attempt to rid themselves of Him!?

If you should do a careful study of the scriptures around the four gospels - Matthew Mark, Luke, and John - you will see the compelling reason behind the "reasons" why the Son of God was crucified. It is nothing but a false expectation concerning His mission which resulted from a MISCONCEPTION OF THE MESSIANIC PROPHECIES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.

I had to put it in all caps because we who are living in the end-time need to take a lesson from this! Just as it was a matter of life and death for the Jews in the time of Christ, so will it be in our time! And you don't have to ask; many Jews lost out on salvation as a result of this very situation. And many more will
lose their souls because on account of this very mistake in prophetic interpretation, up to this day the nation of Israel still believe that they should look for a Messiah to come! God help them!

Let us take a brief look at why the misconception had prevailed, the extent to which it prevailed, and the problem it created for the Jewish people. But let me just tell you what the unwarranted expectation of Christ was. The Jewish people over hundreds of years were primed to accept the idea that, far from being a Lamb to the slaughter, Christ will be this majestic King who will assert his divine authority over the people in Jerusalem and break the yoke of Gentile oppression from off their necks.

This false awareness of the first Advent of Christ was created by a misinterpretation of the prophecies that speak of Jesus as both the coming Messiah and the coming King as if they will be fulfilled as one and the same event. You will recall that one such prophecy was uttered by Balaam found in Num. 24:15-17.

If you do a fair research of the messianic prophecies you will realize that there are many such prophecies - prophecies that speak of the Messiahship and Kinship of Jesus in the same breath (see
Isaiah 9 and Micah 5). Now we can see why it was so easy for anybody to expect Christ to set up an earthly kingdom at the first Advent. It is for this very reason that Christ was rejected by His very own because by virtue of the fulfilment of His mission many began to doubt whether this Man is really what He claims to be.

Yes, He opened the eyes of the blind; yes, He made the lame to walk; yes, He raised the dead and did many more marvellous works. But because he did not set up a kingdom the people clamoured for His
blood, accusing him of deception and blasphemy!   

So influential was this 'earthly kingdom' idea among the religious leaders of the day that it led even the prophet John the Baptist to question Jesus' Messiahship! (See Luke 7:18-20). That is the extent to which this false expectation had influenced the Jewish society, and the religious leaders who wields great influence among their congregations are largely responsible for this. Because they are respected as the guardian of the oracles of God, their theological prognoses are usually accepted as law.

In the last days we are going to face a similar situation. Even at this very moment we can see it unfolding. Through the influence of respected theologians many false teaching are floating around today
- teachings that are calculated to destroy souls!

The extent to which the people in Christ’s day were mislead by false expectations of the First Advent could well be a mere micro indication of the extent to which the people of our day will be deceived by popular teachings about the Second Coming.

The kind of carelessness and flippancy with which we treat the scriptures today is laying the groundwork for Satan to mislead the people by supplying false theories that suits their expectations and world view. It is for this reason that we are thus admonished:

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2Tim. 2:15

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