Sunday 4 November 2012


From the look of things in the world today it just appears that Satan is at large and in charge. After all, most of the people in this world are on his side in the lifestyle they choose. Most of the people you see around today are either in the category of the fornicators, the gamblers, the dishonest, the false preachers, the liars, the racists, the thieves, the murderers, the blasphemers, the false pretenders, the atheists, the disobedient, or the proud...and I can go on and on. When you put all of those people into one group you get the vast majority of the world's all-time population, and they are all in Satan's corner!

The moral decay we are seeing in the world today is an indication of the quality of Satan's administration, and we are going to see the full development of Satan's rule in the near future! The question that you and I need to ask ourselves is, are we indicating  the true quality of Christ's administration in our lives?

The Bible has clearly predicted the fall of Satan's government in the world and went as far as to tell us exactly how it will be accomplished. Contrary to popular opinion, this defeat will not be inflicted at the Second Coming. By the time Christ is ready to put in his appearance the battle would have already been won.

We need to understand that the battle with the powers of evil is not a physical one. The Devil would have us think that way because he wants us to lose out on the only conflict that matters - the
spiritual battle. He knows that when we treat the final conflict in this way we would easily yield to the temptation to take up physical arms (knife, guns, swords, machetes etc) to face those we perceive to be the enforcers of the New World Order.

I remember watching a TBN movie about the Anti-christ. Very interesting movie. But it seems to be portraying the idea that the only way that the Anti-christ will be defeated is by the force of arms. In fact, according to the movie he was supposed to be defeated by the US army! This is not what the Bible teaches.

While the Bible teaches about an end-time warfare between the people of God and those who belong to Satan, it further suggests that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imagination, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled"..... and you can read even further down the chapter if you please (2Cor. 10:4-6).

You know what the Christian's weapon is? THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. When we possess this weapon we will not only be able to defeat the external forces of evil - Satan and his hosts - but we will also be
able to control the internal forces of our own passions and inner thoughts and bring them into subjection to the obedience of Christ. (See Prov. 16:32). It is only when we reach that spiritual condition that we are ready to face the mark-of-the-beast crisis.

The scriptures speak of a specific group of people who will constitute God's special 'strike force' by which He will wage a fierce warfare against Satan in the final conflict. According to the prophetic word, these soldiers of the cross, called the saints of the Most High, will bear the following features:

-                      They will take the kingdom away from Satan and hand it over to Christ.
-                      Many sinners will run to them for deliverance
-                      They will not be from any particular denomination
-                      They will not be from the nation of Israel
-                      They will not taste of death
-                      Their characters will be refined and perfected through great tribulation
-                      They will be specially empowered by the Spirit of prophecy
-                      Their missionary activities will be UNSTOPPABLE
-                      They will be the only true church on earth
-                      They will be the main targets of Satan's attacks

It is for the preservation of his kingdom that Satan will put a fierce and desperate fight against the last-day saints because he now realizes that he is up against a different breed of enemies from that which he is accustom. This end time battle is captured thus in the final verse of Revelation chapter 12:  

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev. 12:17

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