Tuesday 6 November 2012


Controversy about the activities of the Antichrist is raging left right and centre. There's a split among the various denominations concerning many things about this remarkable person.

For instance, there is the controversy about whether the Antichrist is referring to a person or system, there is controversy about whether he is Barak Obama, Pope Benedict XVI, or Herman Van Rompuy
etc, and there is even some confusion with differentiating between the activities of the Antichrist and the "great false prophet".

Anyway, the controversy that I am interested in for the purpose of this post is the period of time that this end-time enemy of Christ is supposed to reign. 

The evangelicals seem to be in harmony on the idea of a seven-year reign. When you watch TBN network and hear the views of the various Bible commentators, you kind of get impression that this teaching is mainstream. And when one perceives that seven years of sheer antichristian aggression can be a very long, long time, you can see the reason why its advocates are touting the idea that they will
not be here when it happens.

But what does the Bible teach?

It makes me wonder how the evangelicals could arrive at this conclusion because it seems very clear-cut to me what the Bible's position on this matter is. For me this is one of the clearest teachings on Bible prophecy for the very reason that it is mentioned so many times throughout the prophecies between Daniel and Revelation.

When you look at what Daniel has to say in chapter 7, you see "time, times, and dividing of time" (vs. 25). And turning the pages to chapter 12 you see where he mentions "time, times, and a half" (vs. 7). And when you examine both contexts you can clearly see that they are both referring to the supremacy of the 'stout horn king' and the "king of the north" respectively.

In Jewish reckoning, a time = 1 year (12 months), times = 2 years (24 months), and dividing of time (or half a time) = ½ year (6 months), which gives you a total of 3 ½ years (or 42 months). Considering the fact that a Jewish month is equal to 30 days each, you will end up with a total of 1260 days (you can do you own calculation on this).

Then when you go over to the book of Revelation you will see nothing different from what you see in Daniel. And it's just as clear.

The first place in Revelation where such a period is mentioned is chapter 11. In this chapter it is mentioned twice as "forty and two months" (vs. 2) and "a thousand two hundred and three score days" (vs. 3). The expression, "forty and two months", is also used in chapter 13 (vs. 5) in connection with the reign of the beast.

Then as in the case with chapter 11, in chapter 12 you also have a double mention; you have the reference to "a thousand two hundred and three score days" (1260 days) in verse 6, and "a time, and times, and half a time" in verse 14, both of which applies to the period of the dragon's enmity against the woman in the wilderness.

This period is mentioned so many times in the prophecies that it cannot be by chance. Could it be that God had foreseen the controversy and confusion over this period why He refers to it so many times in the prophecies? Even without a prophecy course you can see that this seven-year theory is in serious jeopardy. In the next post I will tell you what is the source of this theory and the reasoning process behind it.

In one of the modules of my prophecy course I have made references to all the scripture passages surrounding this particular period and how everywhere it is mentioned it is in relation to the reign of the Antichrist. In the course you will also understand some technicalities concerning this 3 ½-year period that very few seem to be paying attention to.

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