Friday 9 November 2012

Do You Really Think That Satan Will Use Force to Introduce a New World Order?


It is so easy to accuse Satan of having an intention to just want to blot us from existence that we do not take the time to think about his uncanny ability to deceive. And, yes, it is true; Satan will always be the evil Satan we know him to be until the day comes when this earth is rid of him, but we must not lose sight of the fact that this subtle enemy is more than just a sadistic desperado.

One of the main features that make him worthy of the name Satan is his ability to make you believe something that is very different from the truth - even when it is clearly falsehood. And that is what you call DECEPTION.

If you are living on this planet, there is a 99% chance that you have heard about the New World Order. And I can bet that whenever you hear about this thing you are always told about what world authorities will do to force a policy on you against your will.

The problem with many Christians today is that they seem to believe that the Devil is only capable of threatening physical harm by force of arms in order to coerce you into violating your conscience to suit his purpose. But very few realize that about 90% of Satan's modus operandi will be driven by deception and not by force or compulsion against the will. It is only when Satan sees that you will not be duped by his conmanship that he will employ the 10% use of force. 

But why should we think that Satan would want to make 'use of force' a policy priority if he is already achieving his objectives by deceit. According the scriptures, he is “that old serpent” "which deceiveth the whole world" Rev. 12:9.

As you are reading this e-mail the vast majority are being deceived by some means or the other. And if this can be happening now, how difficult would it be for the Devil to succeed in the future with even greater deceptions?

Take this advice for what it is worth, WHEN THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS BEING INTRODUCED, DECEPTION WILL BE THE NAME OF THE GAME. It's as simple as that. Don't expect a one-world government to send their military goons to your house to find out if you have a mark in your
hand or in your forehead, and if you don't have a mark, they put the gun to your head and say, "take the mark or you die!"

Yes, I know that if you ask your pastor or Bible teacher about what I am saying here he would perhaps tell you that I am taking an extreme view, and that would be expected from anybody who is trained to think a certain way.

But look at it this way, when you closely observe the prophecy about the mark of the beast you will notice that this prophecy is all about how the world will be deceived into accepting a particular philosophy that they would not otherwise support under normal circumstances.

Here is a brief outline of what you will observe in the prophecy of Revelation 13:
·         The first thing you see is a deception in the manner of the beast's rise. Rev. 13:1-3
·         Then you will see where he receives power from the dragon to practice deception just like the one by whom he is empowered. Rev. 13:2

·         Afterwards, you will see where this scenario leads to a deception that causes the world to wonder after and worship the beast. Rev.13:3, 4

·         It also facilitates a deception that causes the world to worship the dragon. Rev. 13:4

·         Subsequently, the lamb-horned beast joined the fray and perpetrated deception upon the world by the means of marvellous miracles (the power of the first beast). Rev. 13:11-15
·         It was to lead the world to take the mark of the beast and worship his image why this deception was perpetrated upon its inhabitants. Rev. 19:20
And you know what? The fact that we are not told exactly what the mark of the beast looks like, the Devil can use this as an opportunity to yet perpetrate further deception to lead the world to believe the wrong thing about this evil mark while he pushes the Real Mckoy right under our noses.

Have you ever wonderer why the Bible predicted that the vast majority – regular people like you and me – will take this dreaded mark in their foreheads and right hands (Rev. 13:16)? It is because the whole end time crisis involving the New World Order and the mark of the beast will be very different from what we are told from popular pulpits; the mark of the beast will be implemented via the agency of an institution that nobody was expecting it to come from.

For further reading checkout this article resource

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