Saturday 17 November 2012

Ignorance of End-Time Bible Prophecy Not Surprising


Well, I'm not talking about ignorance on the part of non-Christians. I am really referring to people who are expected to know so much of the word of God that they can be of help to those who are sitting in darkness. 

It is one thing to know that we are living in a world that is becoming more and more spiritually indifferent and ignorant of the Bible, but it's another thing to know that the very people whose
duty it is to enlighten the simple are themselves in danger of being destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6). As a conscientious student of Bible prophecy that has been my concern for some time.

However, as I came to understand prophecy better than I understood it five years ago, I am no longer surprised at the level of ignorance that prevails among "Bible-believing" churches. I do not wish to come across as if I am better off than anybody else simply because of my enlightenment in the prophetic word, because I'm not.

I believe that just like how I could have taken my Bible and engage in a marathon prophecy study, anybody else could have done the same, and get results!

The fact is, many church members are not willing to exercise the kind of diligence and patience it takes to arrive at sound conclusions on Bible prophecy. They would rather leave it up to their pastors and elders to do the thinking for them. This kind of approach to knowledge acquisition may be acceptable in the business world, but when it comes to knowing the scriptures it is simply not an option, since it's your eternal salvation, and not just your financial resources, that is at stake. 

As prophecy students we need to understand that the kind of apathy about Bible prophecy that now prevails in the Christian world did not come about by chance. The Devil thrives on our ignorance, and
the continued ignorance of the scriptures on the part of Christians is what he is depending on to deceive the inhabitants of the world and sweep them into his new religious scheme during the mark-of-the-beast crisis. 

You will recall how in a previous post I pointed out to you that deception will be a major part of the Devils end-time modus operandi. And I feared many churches are going to be swept off their feet before they know what hit them. The reason why that will be made possible is because the vast majority of Christendom is in darkness (relative to what they should know) and will remain in darkness until the main event.

I have personally heard some weird things from Christians out there which made me wonder if they read their Bibles! It's all in the apathetic and listless manner with which we treat spiritual matters! Do you think the Bible could have prophesied that "...all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond..." will take the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16) if it wasn't due to some level of ignorance of the prophecy? 

Some in the church would shrug off the need to know the prophecy and tell you that "prophecy cannot save you", that as long as you accept Christ you have nothing to worry about. But is that a guarantee that you will not become a victim of the Devil's skulduggery in the last days? Among the many that will lose their souls in the coming crisis are church people who would have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour from sin - people who are supposed to be saved!

Your knowledge of the rudiments of salvation and your assurance of being saved should neither be used as an excuse for neglecting prophecy study nor as a license for lethargy. If you should adopt this attitude in your pursuit of secular studies, believe me, it will only result in you becoming another has-been / also-ran who did not graduate! 

In the race for eternal life nobody wants to be among the also-ran. Yet many are in danger of eternal exam failure for lack of knowledge. Engaging in a systematic end time prophecy study may well be your only means of foiling the Devil's plot for your eternal oblivion by keeping you in ignorance of his devices. 

Unfortunately, in the last days many through ignorance will find themselves so helpless that they will be “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” Eph. 4:14. 

As we would often say in Jamaica, 'You are a fool to what you don't know.'  

Therefore, in our religious experience let us not pursue our study of the word of God like a college dropout who has lost focus, but rather let it enable us to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” 2 Pet. 3:18. As we anticipate the coming crisis it is imperative that we not only increase in knowledge but we increase in knowledge in proportion to the magnitude of the challenge we have to face. 

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