Monday 5 November 2012


 Oh Yes, it would be nice!

The doctrine of a (secret) rapture is very dominant in the evangelical Christian fraternity. It teaches about how a day will come when the people of God will be caught up to heaven without the rest of the world being aware of it. According to the rapture doctrine, this event is to take place before the tribulation when the mark of the beast system is implemented.   

What if this is true? I mean, how you would feel to know that a time will come when you will be miraculously snatched away from this wicked world to be with your Lord, and that without the need to worry about a horrible tribulation that is soon to break upon the earth?

Could some of those bretheren from the various evangelical churches be right in saying that they don't need to know about the mark-of-the-beast event because they will not be here when it happens? If you know you will not be here, why should you seek to know about it?

They are many different school of thoughts floating around in Christianity concerning the rapture that leaves many confused. They are confused simply because they don't know whether they are to believe either of the following about the Second Coming of Christ:
-              Christ will return with a great noise to take His people to heaven
-              Christ will rapture all His people in secret, or
-              He will rapture His people in secret, then return with a great noise
to take the "tribulation saints"

In addition, another school of thought has it that Christ will come but he will not take anybody to heaven at all. While others believe He has already arrived in 1914! And, of course, it's quite obvious
that the different positions on the rapture vary along denominational lines. But all cannot be right!

When we are confronted with confusing situations like these, we must not throw our hands up in the air and treat the matter with indifference. The Lord knows why He allows controversial situations to emerge time and time again. And don't expect Him to come down and solve your doctrinal problems when He has already provided the scriptures.

Every controversy must be considered an opportunity to study with more effort and greater diligence. And if you find that you have not been studying your Bible as you aught, make controversy an excuse for studying it as you should.

Anyway let me not allow myself to be raptured away from the main point of discussion - the (secret) rapture. Looking at this teaching from the outset, I have some discomfort with the way its advocates present it (truth has a way of sounding like a lie because of the way it is being taught).

For example, I heard an eminent minister of the gospel on a local TV programme some time ago suggesting that Christians will be raptured regardless whether they are piloting a passenger plane,
driving a passenger bus, or manning the controls to facilitate railroad traffic. When you consider the implications of this you cannot help but imagine a sudden descent into chaos and pure disaster! This sounds inconsistent to me in light of the idea that God will still seek to save people from among those who will be “left behind”.

According the explanation given, the people who are saved from among those who are left behind are called the "tribulation saints". But many will perish in the ensuing disaster after the rapture event transpires. In other words, solely because of the rapture they will not be given a fair chance of becoming a part of the "tribulation saints".

Then on the other hand, we need to look at whether or not it is safe to hold to such a teaching. While we would naturally consider it ideal to be taken from this sin-cursed earth before the great tribulation occurs, how would it be to the disadvantage of those Christians who do not believe it but rather believe that they will go through a tribulation before the Second Coming? Would they be considered unworthy to be raptured?

Actually, I have heard a number of pro-secret rapture advocates expressing the view that they don’t need to know about the mark of the beast issue and the great tribulation because they will not be here when it happens.

Here is a scenario I want you to think about as you contemplate the validity of a secret rapture.

You are living in a small city. It so happens that the weather channel issued a forecast that there will be three days of heavy rains that is likely to cause flooding and possible loss of lives (the great tribulation)! But in light of the threat, the Mayor came in and calmed the fears of the people by telling them that they don't need to worry; that a massive gabion wall is erected around the city to provide adequate protection from flooding (the rapture). 
Would it be safe for this community to simply take the Mayor at his word and don't worry about the impending danger, become complacent, and make no contingency preparation to escape? What do you think would happen if the wall is breached and no alternative means of escape is in place!? Then on the other hand, would it be a foolish thing for the residents to ignore what the Mayor told them and take the time to study ways of escaping the flood? After all, it won't hurt in any event!

Did you get the point I 'm trying make!? The fact is it would be more detrimental to your eternal salvation to believe that you will not be here during the tribulation than to believe that you will be. After all, whatever you believe will make a difference in the quality of your preparation for eternity.

For further resource on the subject of the rapture check out following articles:  

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