Saturday 10 November 2012

If a National Sunday Law Enforces the Worship of God, How Will Satan Benefit?

There is a school of thought floating around in Adventist circles that a day will come when a National Sunday Law will be enacted in every nation to force people to honour Sunday as the exclusive day of worship. According to the argument in its support, Sunday keeping will become the mark of the beast but it is not the mark of the beast today.

While I am in general agreement with the view that there will be Sunday legislation in the last days, the way in which it is being presented today makes it appear (especially to non-Adventists) to be nothing more than a mere quibble over a day.

The manner in which the advocates of the coming National Sunday Law put across their position seems to suggest that the Devil’s main objective to force people to worship God on Sundays instead of on Sabbaths. But what does Satan really hopes to accomplish by the passing of a Sunday law if his purpose is merely to force people to worship God on Sundays? Does Satan have any interest in promoting divine worship? If it's really Satan's desire to be deified by the world, why should we think he will force people to worship God under any circumstance!!? Why could it not be a Sunday Law to force people to divert their attention away from God!!?

We need to understand Christians are in the Sunday keeping churches just as much as they are in the Sabbath keeping churches.  Most Sunday-keeping Christians do not attend church service on the first day of the week because they necessarily believe that Sunday is the right day or because they are celebrating the resurrection. They attend Sunday services because of two simple things:

1.       Tradition
2.       The belief that it doesn’t matter which day you keep!

I want you to think about this for a moment and see if this makes sense to you. I don't know what your religious persuasion is, but let us say you are a Sunday-keeper. Being a Sunday-keeper, Sabbatarians (like myself) will say you are wrong and try to convince you of the seventh-day Sabbath of the Ten Commandments.

Despite our best evangelistic efforts you are still not convicted of the Sabbath, and you still attend church on Sundays as a genuine follower of Christ, believing that it doesn’t really matter which day you keep holy. While we try to convince you of the Sabbath, an national Sunday Law is passed prohibiting the opening of businesses and the participation in any secular matter on Sundays.

Because you're already a Sunday keeper, you don’t have a problem, you attend church service on Sundays, still not convicted of the Sabbath; you are just worshipping God in the same sincere way you've always done. Nothing has changed. What would have been your sin? And what would Satan have accomplished beside making you into what you have always been – a worshipper of God in need of special enlightenment? The simple answer is, the relationship between you and God wouldn't have changed one bit! You still belong to Christ!

You may have heard me mention this over and over again in the e-course info ebook but let me remind you of it: THE DEVIL IS NOT STUPID. If I told you that once, I have told you a thousand times. Yet it cannot be said often enough. Why should we think that the Satan is merely interested in getting Christians to keep Sunday when in truth and in fact they are not on his side? Therefore, the strategy has to be more that just getting people to keep Sunday as a day of worship.

In the final campaign against the church of God the Devil will simply introduce a new religious culture that will entice Christians away from Christ. That’s his overall objective. And let us not forget that the vast majority of Christians are from the Sunday keeping churches!

Because Satan wants to be worshipped by the world, what he would naturally want to do is to introduce an evil religious scheme to deceive the world into giving him the homage he wants. And those who buy into his agenda he will reward with a special token of allegiance so that they can buy and sell, and have access to those social amenities they are accustomed to.

Today we have the enforcement of Sunday laws in many different countries, yet it does not make Christians worshippers of the beast. In the future there will be an international Sunday law in the context of a new religious order and it will be very different from what we are seeing today.

This pernicious religious scheme that the Devil will introduce in the last days will affect Sunday keepers just as much as it will affect Sabbath keepers. When genuine, true-hearted Sunday keepers see the abomination that the new religious order will compel them to practice they will be forced to remain loyal to Christ and honour Him on His holy Sabbath. By that time the difference between Sabbath and Sunday as the two major days of worship will be seen by the two gods they 

For further resource on the National Sunday Law issue watch the video below:


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